Sunday, July 3, 2011

Personal Log of Lt. Praxi

Personal log, stardate… well, hm. I should note that I have been hit by an energy field of little-known methodology at least twice today, so please excuse my, um, lack of temporal… graspiness. We received a distress call from a colony on a gas giant today, which apparently made Ensign Smith in Astrometrics dance with joy, with even a song and a tap routine on the central display emitter. Shame I missed it, hm. The call was due to an outbreak of a strange disease within the colony, which made the youth rebellious; ah, as in they were actively leading a revolt against their elders, not in the normal growth-stage way. It was surprisingly civil, well, for a revolution. Still very violent, mind you. Hopefully that will change soon.

Oh, but the dome! The dome they used to keep back the gaseous atmosphere and the intense pressures was generated by a gigantic shimmering gold tower, which was also worshipped by the locals and also, um, alive. My guess would be that the founder of the colony built the tower with some manner of organic technology, and the tales surrounding him were somehow conveyed as the doings of the tower. Or perhaps he transferred his consciousness into it. I really wish I’d had more time to scan it. Oh, it was also the source of the aforementioned energy field that zapped me, or at least it was what channeled natural electrical energies into me. I suppose using it as a lightning rod would help with the power requirements for an energy shield of that magnitude. It was really quite amazing, all around.

Oh yes, the plague. Dr. Z was in charge of the away team; as far as I can gather, she managed to work out a number of treatment options for them and she left it to them to choose. Hopefully they’ll all settle down once they’re cured, and their revolution can be resolved peacefully. There were also some larger… governmental or military politics involved, I don’t know. Why anyone would want to shoot at a Federation science vessel on a rescue mission of all things is… well except they don’t know about the Federation out here, do they. Guess this was as good an introduction as any. Well, unless they’ve met us already and didn’t like it. Humm. I’m going to sit in Two Starboard and drink a bucket of Calufraxian yak milk until I get sleepy. Yes, that is a good plan.

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