Saturday, July 30, 2011

Captain's Log: The Par'Mahk Defense

The trial has ended.

Ensign Quog has been found to be guilty of assaulting a superior officer. Due to... cultural considerations, the penalty has been reduced to demotion. He is still serving aboard this vessel, but I will have to keep a careful eye on him in the future.

The circumstances of his crime still bother me. It seems to me that the Vorta fought hard to stop us from leaving that system. At the time, I had thought it was because of the value of our cargo. But if our cargo was worthless, then... what? Were they trying to convince us of the value of our crystals? Were there crystals that had value, and they gave us counterfeit crystals instead?

Or perhaps it was only what we've seen. What if the most valuable thing on the planet was not the crystals, but its chanting population?

They're all possibilities. But all of those possibilities point to one thing: we've been played by a civilization that we're only just learning about.

And I damn well want to know why.

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