Sunday, June 26, 2011

Quog: Profit is the Sun of Invention

Dearest Cousin Skeeg,

I have secured a position on board the USS Aperture. We are tasked with mapping out new territories for the Federation. Allow me to tell you of such a planet, of value only to an individual who would be so bold as to completely flaunt the rules of the Federation. The sort of thing which I, being honorable, would never do.

To date, we have only visited a single planet. The coordinates are attached. It is not as promising as you might like: they are a primitive culture, protected from Federation meddling by the Prime Directive. It could be that these barbarians could, however, be brought up with an understanding of the honor of profit by someone who, for instance, followed some other set of rules.

Should an individual such as that attempt to open trade with the planet, though, for instance for their rustic craftworks (I have attached scans of examples. The real thing could be quite valuable to the right collector, particularly those idiots who still insist that handmade is "better"), there are certain things which they should know. Things which could be even more advantageous.

Their sun, it seems, is intelligent. And quite keen on defending the population of the planet, which is seems to regard as its children.

Just think, if some individual could somehow take control of the population, it could be possible to use them as leverage to trade with the sun itself! Such a person, unhindered by the unethical laws of the Federation, could make a glorious profit from goods made in the belly of a star itself!

As a member of the Federation I would, of course, be forced to report any such nefarious doings to my superiors. I trust that I would never find any evidence that any member of my family would so foolishly pursue any goal related to such a thing.

For honor and profit,

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